SYN5636 type high precision general counter
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Product overview SYN5636 type high precision general counter.Jpg

The SYN5636 type high precision general counter is a time-frequency testing instrument developed according to the verification regulation of JJG 349-2014 universal counter. The universal counter is equipped with TCXO time base, optional OCXO or rubidium clock, and has the functions of frequency, cycle, frequency ratio, input voltage maximum / minimum / peak value, time interval, pulse width, rise time / fall time, duty cycle and phase measurement function, and powerful mathematical operation, statistics (mean value, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, peak value, count, Allen variance) function.

The counter has reliable performance, complete functions, high measuring accuracy, wide measuring range, high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, high cost performance and convenient operation. It is especially suitable for time and frequency measurement in the fields of research and Metrology such as aerospace, missiles, weapons and other fields such as time measurement and crystal oscillator, electronic components and so on.

Technical index

frequency range

Channel A, B:DC ~ Three hundred and fifty MHz
Channel C:100MHz to 6GHz (option)

Impedance coupling

1M Omega or 50, AC or DC

frequency resolution

One One Bits per second

Time interval resolution

Five 0ps

Measuring function

Frequency, cycle, frequency ratio, input voltage maximum / minimum / peak value, time interval, pulse width, rise time / fall time, duty cycle, phase,

Statistical function

Mean value, standard deviation, maximum value, minimum value, peak value, count, Allen variance

Cycle measurement

5ns ~ 1000s

phase measurement

0~360 degrees

Time interval measurement


dynamic range

50mVrms ~ 1.0Vrms (sine wave)

150mVP-P ~ 4.5VP-P (pulse wave)

low pass filter

100kHz switchable


* 1 or x 10

Trigger mode

The rising edge or the falling edge can be selected.

Amplitude input range

-5V ~ +5V

Internal Timebase

Standard temperature compensated crystal oscillator

Optional thermostat crystal or rubidium clock

External reference

10MHz sine wave


USB interface and RS-232 interface

Power Supply

Communication 220V + 10%50Hz + 5%

Outline size

Portable chassis


About 6kg

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