SYN10MHz Beidou GPS PLL module
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Product overview

SYN10MHz Beidou GPS phase-locked module is a high precision quartz crystal frequency standard.The OCX0 constant temperature crystal oscillator is installed inside. The Beidou GPS timing signal is used to lock the constant temperature crystal oscillator to realize the output frequency and time of the machine to keep pace with the Beidou GPS satellite.When the internal PLL works normally, the product can automatically learn the phase-locked process, and automatically repeat the process after the Beidou GPS is lost. It can maintain the state of locking before the external reference for a long time.

Product function

1) provide the 1 way standard 10MHz square wave signal;

2) provide a multi frequency square wave signal that can be remotely switched (optional).

3) provide 1 channel 1PPS pulse signal; SYN10MHz Beidou GPS phase-locked module.Png

4) provide 1 RS232 time signals;

Product characteristics

A) multiple frequency switching output;

B) high reliability;

C) can work steadily for a long time.

Typical application

1) time frequency measuring standard apparatus;

2) aerospace, aircraft tracking and measurement and control, communications, astronomy and meteorology.

3) synchronous broadcasting, digital TV, single frequency network system and synchronous acquisition system.

4) wireless base station, network synchronization.

Technical index

output signal

Ten MHz


1 way

wave form

5V Fang Bo

Frequency accuracy

Less than 1E-12 (track to satellite Signal average after 24 hours)

Less than 5E-10 ( When satellite Signal failure, 24 hours. Keeping precision )

Physical interface


Other frequency points ( Optional )


1 way

wave form

5V Fang Bo

Special functions

Software can switch multiple frequency output.

Frequency accuracy

Less than 1E-12 (track to satellite Signal average after 24 hours)

Less than 5E-10 ( When satellite Signal failure, 24 hours. Keeping precision )

Physical interface


1PPS pulse signal


1 way



Synchronization accuracy

Less than Three 0ns (RMS)

Effective level

Rising edge

Physical interface


Environmental characteristics

working temperature

-1 0 ~ + 5 Zero Temperature

relative humidity

Less than 90% (4) Zero Temperature)

Storage temperature

- Three Zero C ~ + 7 Zero Temperature

Power supply

Twelve V DC Power 8W

Chassis dimensions

104x94x28mm (installation size 93x65mm)

Guide for selection of related products


Input signal

output signal



SYN3102 rubidium atomic frequency standard

Built in rubidium clock

4 way 10MHz

High cost performance

One U, 19 "(upper rack) ( 482x300x Forty-five Mm )

SYN3204 GPS tame rubidium atomic frequency standard


4 way 10MHz, 1 way serial port, 1 1PPS

GPS tame rubidium clock

One U, 19 "(upper rack) ( 482x300x Forty-five Mm )

SYN32.768MHzGPS Beidou PLL module

GPS Beidou

1 road 32.768MHz, 1 road 1PPS

Features: GPS tamed crystal oscillator

GPS tamed crystal oscillator

Board card ( One Fifty * 1Thirty X Two Zero Mm) Direct Five V +. 5% , 3.5W

SYN100MHzGPS phase-locked plate


1 road 100MHz, 1 road 1PPS

GPS tamed crystal oscillator

Board card ( One Fifty * 1Thirty X Two Zero Mm) Direct Five V +. 5% , 3.5W

SYN3301 type high stability crystal oscillator

Built in crystal oscillator

4 way 10MHz

High stability and low phase noise

One U, 19 "(upper rack) ( 482x300x Forty-five Mm ) AC 220V , 30W

SYN3305 tame high stability crystal frequency standard



1 way 10MHz, 1 way serial port, 1 1PPS

GPS tamed crystal oscillator

Board card ( 56*158*220mm Mm ) DC 5V +. 5%

SYN4102 GPS synchronous clock source


1 way 10MHz, 1 way serial port, 1 1PPS

GPS tamed crystal oscillator

One U, 19 "(upper rack) ( 482x300x Forty-five Mm ) Communication 220V + 10%

Synchronous clock of SYN4104 digital network


2 Road E1, 2 Road 2048K, 1 road 1PPS

Special communication

One U, 19 "(upper rack) ( 482x300x Forty-five Mm )

Model SYN4201 synchronous frequency divider

8 way 10MHz

8 way 1PPS

Synchronous frequency division

One U, 19 "(upper rack) ( 482x300x Forty-five Mm )

SYN4505 standard synchronous clock


10 road IRIG-B code, 1 NTP, 5 1PPM air contact, 5 1PPS air contact, 5 alarm.

Multimode receiver, multiple clock output

4U, 19 "(upper rack)

AC220V, 30W


GPS Beidou dual-mode receiver. Constant temperature crystal OCXO, Rubidium clock Location information output. Lightning arrester, customized antenna cable (50 meters, 80 meters, 100 meters, etc.). Multi channel frequency output, IRIG-B AC and DC output. 1PPS output RS232C, RS422/485, etc., serial output TTL, RS422/485, etc., customized products with wide temperature range, customized products according to customer requirements., The product characteristics refer specifically to relevant publicity materials.

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